Monday, February 22, 2016


I made my first "Fully automatic" "Tim Ferris 4hwwk" Sale!
A blog visitor went to my lead magnet - then to email list sequence - then SALE!

Awesome - Awesome- Awesome!
Making money in my sleep - it is an awesome euphoric experience - it works!
And it really motivates you to do more and get to the next level.
I may be late, but I'm ON TRACK.
As said in previous post - PHASE I is over, now starts PHASE II:

Take the winning producst/businesses from phase I, scale them, improve them, make more of them, until I reach the 100 million.

So I have to re-adjust my mantra.

In phase one it was "My new hobby is validating product and business ideas"

This mantra should be taken to heart and NEVER FORGOTTEN. Validation is step 1 - always.

But now that I have validated my products and business direction, I must:

"My new hobby is building airtight MEASURABLE funnels!"

Because everything I did to get my initial base of 200+ subscribers and products, is very CHAOTIC!

I have about TWENTY different lead magnets, two core products, or 1 tripwire and 1 core product, my signature course in the works, AND NO WAY TO MEASURE my ACV and CLV.

Besides my Email sequence which is 10 mails of giving giving giving, and then 1 mail where I pitch my core product, I have NO MEASURABLE funnel!

So I have started with my one lead magnet - the niche finder tool, and stopped this silly "pay with a tweet" function. 

Instead I am doing like Nick Loper; want the show notes or spreadsheet? -- gimme an email!

Number one focus is still EMAIL! (see all of Bryan Harris' stuff!!!)

Then when they get the spread sheet, they also get a "Read Me First" file where I have an upsell and a downsell.   A lot like Gumroad and their "workflows" which is awesome!! -BUT- I was splitting my efforts between my website and Gumroad.

I have to make it airtight and stop this unfocussed stuff.

So now, all of my products on gumroad are becoming my resource center: the visitors can only access it by subscribing. This allows me to have a "naked" page on my blog as a resource center.

If someone stumbles upon it, and somehow gets past my subscribe gate, they still have to give me their email to download from gumroad!



I will now stop validating new products (unless I see a REAL opportunity - never forget that opportunity clause!) and FOCUS on my Tripwire, Core-Offer, and Signature Course and MEASURE THEM.
(see the ACV article by Ryan Deiss = awesome!)

I am going to use webinars and joint ventures with other entrepreneurs to take me to the next level:

  • The webinar blueprint of Frank Kern is amazing.
  • Jeff Walker's Launch series is also awesome - turns out I was DOING it already.
  • The really cool thing about both of the above, is that their free materials are so good, you don't need their courses! An experienced entrepreneur can fill in the blanks. (and I did.)

My SYSTEM right now is:

  1. Interview a successful entrepreneur on my podcast
  2. Later ask them to promote one of my products in the P.S. section of their next email.
  3. Make high quality Ebooks and Print books around EVERGREEN topics.
    1. This brings in more money right now! Passive income pure!
  4. But- you can make waay more money once you start selling high-end info products with WEBINARS.

Next actions:

  1. Close all gaps in my website
    1. Too many lead magnets and not enough focus - I gotta lead them along that path so I can measure the ACV and then I know HOW MUCH I CAN SPEND ON ADVERTISEMENT AND THE NEXT CUSTOMER ACQUISTION!
  2. Finish my webinars (Frank Kern's Blueprint)
    1. 7 day challenge
    2. Facebook Ads
  3. Fulfill my book Palette
    1. I want to finish at least 6 books this year!
    2. Will have to hire someone (e.g.ArchAngel Ink) to fill in the gaps for sure.


"My new hobby is building airtight MEASURABLE FUNNELS!"

"I will continue influencer outreach and build meaningful relationships. Then I will start Joint Venture Launches and webinars to get to the next level."

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